The RA9 form is applicable to:
- Women who have a child or children under sixteen years of age, who return to work from 1st January 2008, after having not worked for a minimum of five years before returning to work.
- Women who have a child or children born after 1st January 2007 who continue in or return to employment on or after 1st January 2007.
The tax credit in this case is of up to a maximum of €5,000.
These forms have to be filled in and submitted the year after the employee returns to work. The forms are submitted along with the Income Tax Return, the deadline of which is on the 30th June of the following year. In certain cases where the employee is a non-filer of tax returns, they must request that the Commissioner for Revenue (CfR) sends an Income Tax Return form to submit the RA7 or RA9 form to be able to benefit from this incentive.
Furthermore, a recent legal notice has brought about an amendment to the rules in that the tax credit relating to the RA9 form does not only apply to women who give birth, but also to women who adopt a child or children. Furthermore, the tax credits mentioned are granted once in respect of each child.
It is important to note that when an employee utilises the 14 weeks of paid maternity leave by the employer and the 4 weeks of maternity leave paid by the Government, the employee is then obliged to work for a continuous period of six months upon her return to work as stated by The Employment and Industrial Relations Act (Chapter 452). If the employee fails to return to work, or fails to return for at least six months, the employer is entitled to request payment from the employee for a refund of payments made to her during the maternity leave.