Employment Law in Malta

Employment Law in Malta

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CSB Group provides – among others – both assistance in order to obtain residence and work permit and a wide range of corporate, legal and financial services to those companies which decide to locate in Malta and to maximise their profits within legitimate and transparent business structures. 

Employment in Malta

Malta has attracted – and continues to attract – a considerable amount of people who move to the island for the purpose of working here. As a consequence, Malta’s workforce is multilingual, highly skilled, educated and flexible.

As a result of being a member of the European Union, the free movement of workers has facilitated EU national to work and live in Malta. It is however a requirement for a third country national to obtain a work permit to work in Malta.

Benefits of Working in Malta

There are multiple attractive factors to work in Malta. Among others, Malta offers an attractive fiscal regime, a stable political and economic climate, healthy industrial relations and a strategic geographic location.

Moreover, indices for Malta are exceptionally high in terms of cost of living, the environment, freedom, health, safety and climate. Living standards in Malta are also good and compare well with those of continental Europe. In this respect, the island’s low crime rate implies that Malta is a safe country to live in and is an ideal place to base families if one is engaged in commercial activities within the region. As a business destination, Malta has a lot to offer, and as a home, there can be few places more ideal.

Employment Incentives

In its pursuit to attract talent to Malta and to accommodate foreign companies which need to bring in human resources from abroad, the Maltese legislator has introduced a number of attractive employment incentives which cover tax incentives, soft loans, investment allowances, training assistance and more, as well as flexibility in activities.

CSB provides full support to its clients in obtaining residence and work permits for their staff and in administering client payroll, coordinating all relevant paperwork with the relevant authorities and guiding clients through the procedures and pitfalls in the course of administering these formalities. Our legal team also provides an array of employment-related solutions and assistance in contracts of service, dismissals, redundancies, transfers of employees between undertakings, equal treatment on the workplace and the implementation of appropriate systems and procedures for clients’ human resources.

Employment Law Services

CSB Group Employment Law services include:

  • Employment agreements
  • Industry-specific conditions of employment
  • Implementation of suitable incentive schemes
  • Work permits
  • Incentives and grants
  • Malta data protection and privacy issues
  • Transfer of employees between undertakings
  • Dismissals
  • Redundancies

Key Contacts

Bjorn Camilleri

Regulatory & Business Advisor

Luana Agius

Legal Advisor



Need our assistance with employment advisory services?

CSB Group is an employer advisory specialist with over 35 years experience in the commercial sphere. Get support from our qualified professionals.

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T: +356 2557 2557

F: +356 2557 2558

E: [email protected]