Malta Properties Company p.l.c. (MPC)

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As at the 23rd of October 2015, all shareholders of Go p.l.c. (“Go”) have been granted an interim dividend to be effected ‘in kind’ by way of a distribution of shares in Malta Properties Company p.l.c. (“MPC”). The shareholders were entitled to a prorated number of shares in MPC for every one share which the shareholders held in GO as at the 23rd October 2015.

Therefore, those shareholders that were entitled to the interim dividend, and therefore, to the share in MPC, and who have not yet claimed these shares, are to send an email with their details as set out below, on: [email protected]

Full name and surname (or company name when shareholder is a company);
ID Card Number (or Company registration number, where applicable);
Number of shares held in GO as at 23rd October 2015 or MSE number; and
Telephone number.
Alternatively, for further guidance and/or clarification, they can contact CSB Trustees & Fiduciaries Limited by telephone on (+356) 2557 2586.

CSB Trustees & Fiduciaries Limited is a licensed Trustee Company, authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) in Malta, and has received these shares under a Trust for the purpose of preserving the shares for the benefit of the shareholders entitled to these shares.


Kull min kien azzjonist tal-Go p.l.c. (“Go”) fit-23 t’ Ottubru 2015 ingħata dritt, permezz ta’ dividend interim ‘in natura’ illi jirċievi l-istess numru ta’ ishma illi kellu fil-Go p.l.c. f’dik id-data, ukoll fis-soċjeta’ Malta Properties Company p.l.c. (“MPC”).

Għaldaqstant, dawk l-azzjonisti illi kienu intitolati ghad-dividend interim, ossia għall-ishma f’MPC, u li għadhom ma rċevewx dawn l-ishma, għandhom jibgħatu posta elettronika bid-dettalji tagħhom skond hawn taħt, fuq: [email protected]

Isem u kunjom (jew isem il-kumpanija f’każ li l-azzjonista kienet kumpanija);
Numru tal-karta tal-identita’ (Jew numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni tal-kumpanija, fejn applikabbli);
Numru ta’ ishma miżmuma fil-GO fit-23 t’Ottubru 2015 jew in- numru tal- MSE; u
Numru tat-telefon.
Għal iktar informazzjoni u/jew kjarifiki, l-azzjonijisti jistgħu jagħmlu kuntatt ma’ CSB Trustees & Fiduciaries Limited permezz tat-telefon fuq (+356) 2557 2586.

CSB Trustees & Fiduciaries Limited hija kumpanija depożitarja awtorizzata mill-Awtorita’ għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta (l-‘’MFSA’’), u irċiviet l-ishma taħt Trust mill-Go p.l.c. għall-finijiet ta’ preservazzjoni tal-ishma u l-frott tagħhom għal-benefiċċju tal-persuni intitolati għall-imsemmija ishma.

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T: +356 2557 2557

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E: [email protected]