It can be easily noted that local Employment Law favours the employee in many aspects and from various fronts. It is held at core that the employees’ health and safety at their relevant workplace shall be prioritized and protected at all times.
Personal injuries at the place of work are still a common occurrence nowadays. As published by the National Statistics Office – Malta on the 21st day of August 2020, within just the first six months of 2020 more than 1,100 employees were involved in non-fatal accidents at work and 3 employees lost their life.
While at work, it is indeed the responsibility of the employers to ensure that their employees’ health and safety are safeguarded. This is further regulated as per the Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act which furtherly created the OHSA – the Occupational Health and Safety Authority which was specifically set up to ensure that the physical, psychological and social well-being of all workers at workplaces are watched over.
The last-mentioned act specifies that the employer shall take all the necessary precautions to prevent physical and psychological occupational ill-health, injury or death. Such precautionary measures shall include: